Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Sushi King member card & the haze at seremban

Sushi King

Today i went Jusco Seremban to buy some stuffs. After lepak in the whole Jusco i saw sumthing "useful" at Sushi King.

Sushi King membership 2007 - RM15
then i straight walk into the shop and find the cashier to apply the card...
these are the goodies i get from registering....

1. bookmark of sushi king &
2. 2007 2008 calender
3. sushi king plate
4. and of couse MEMBERSHIP CARD

tcchang photo

tcchang photo


tcchang photo
the onli thing i can say is WTF... going to wear mask dy...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anwar's website was hacked just now! the website may be hacked but that won't silence us!!